Why don’t we get the cow off the ice?

The moment something doesn’t go as planned – a project is running past the deadline, a budget is overdrawn, a program glitch turns up or something as idiotic as the dishwasher in the tea kitchen hasn’t been emptied – lines are drawn, bets are wagered and the Blame Game begins. The only way players can win is by deftly deflecting the blame from themselves, pointing fingers at colleagues, coworkers or the boss. While the problem patiently awaits a solution, the Blame Game goes on until everyone involved knows they, at least are not to blame and can smugly proclaim: “It wasn’t me!“

Why does my gluteus maximus need regular inspection?

If you choose to work in this highly charged area, no matter the position, you should certainly make sure your largest muscle – your gluteus maximus – is well-oiled and firmly supporting your backbone to get you through the back-breaking situations that come with the job. There are times when a leader must choose the unpopular solution and – just like us in our advisory position – get tactlessly to the point. It’s part of the job description. When there’s a mission to be fulfilled, when the survival of a team or company is at stake, you cannot be a yellowbelly. If you are, then you have to face the bitter truth: you have no business being a leader.

Why does consulting have to hurt?

Most of the company or team leaders who engage our services are so caught up in their business bubble, they take a great many factors for granted. And then we step in with our external, critical vantage point and challenge business as usual, questioning everyday processes and offering new possibilities and prospects. We literally force our client to leave his comfort zone.

Why should we cling to traditional values?

We have a hard time understanding why so little attention is given to the cultural fit of potential new staff members. A cultural fit implies the extent to which employees’ values and approaches to work coincides with their employer’s.

Is personnel development worth it?

The only way to successfully attain your company’s goals is to ensure your workers have the necessary skills and personal competence to meet them. Targeted personnel development clinches your enterprise’s success as it encompasses all educational, advancement and organizational development measures that a person or organization systematically, methodically and purposefully plans, carries out and evaluates to attain a specific end.

What do so many employers have against a happy staff?

Skilled worker shortage, demographic change – whether you like it or not, no one can afford to ignore the younger generation’s needs and desires. Today’s employers must invest much more time and money if they hope to win the War for Talents, i.e. secure good employees for their enterprise.

What do generation Y & Z expect from their leaders?

But who exactly belongs to these younger generations? If you’re a leader over fifty, then just about anyone under thirty is a youngster. But painting all younger gene-rations with the same brush can create enormous problems. Each generation brings a unique composition of values, expectations, personal visions and communication styles to their workplace.

Why aren’t HQ and plant playing on the same team?

If the main office and plant want to play on the same team – which they certainly should since they work for the same company – an understanding of the other player’s perspective and reality is essential. If we had our way, every HQ newcomer would spend the first six months of his new job at the plant, gaining a sense of Production’s daily reality and establishing relationships with the workers there. Such personal exchanges will influence his subsequent activities.

Think Tank 2024: Stand your ground, carry out your ideas

On February 22nd, our annual Think Tank: Leaders in Action went into its 9th round! Once again, we invited clients, friends and interested acquaintances to our offices in Paderborn for inspiring talks from unique speakers. Our 2024 motto was Stand your ground, carry out your ideas.

Why does my boss enjoy wearing me out?

Hardly anything is more emotionally debilitating than permanent overwhelm at your workplace. This, too, is a leader’s responsibility. You are called on to ensure your employees are given tasks appropriate to their skills and abilities – or see to it that they receive the proper training and qualification.

What’s the best way to collect air pumps?

With today’s lack of skilled workers, businesses are relieved when they can find anyone at all. When reality eventually hits home and it turns out that you’ve hired air pumps who don’t deliver what they promised, no one really dares to criticize their work. There’s just too big of a risk they’ll quit on the spot.

What is Education 4.0?

Knowledge management is an important aspect of this topic. Increasing insight into the economic significance of knowledge has intensified the conscious inclusion of employees’ knowledge and skills in strategic and operative leadership and personnel activities. The ability to learn faster than its rivals could eventually become a company’s only remaining long-term competitive advantage.

Why do people think I’m a snob?

There’s also the inverted snob, coined 1909, describing someone who disparages and distrusts the rich while attributing all noble qualities to the poor. Either way, no one wants to be called a snob. Generally, we use it for people who put on airs; people who think if they dress a certain way, use a lot of 50-cent words and show off their noble possessions or interests, they will appear socially or professionally superior, a member of the elite, far above lowly commoners. […] Calling someone a snob, you accuse them of a specific form of arrogance. […] Leaders are often considered snobs among their employees for various reasons. Some intentionally cultivate standoffishness as their leadership style, convinced a certain detachment underscores their authority. Others are unaware that their employees think they are snobs. Although they certainly sense the recurring friction or aloofness in their leader-employee relations, they have no idea

Why aren’t Americans German?

After meeting with their American business partners or colleagues, our German clients are usually enthusiastic, praising the meeting’s general atmosphere and fully satisfied with the excellent results. Shortly thereafter, their euphoria takes a dive when a decision is communicated from the States that defi es what they agreed to in the meeting.

How do I get my business out there?

When you aim to get your business out there, a detailed social media concept should be a matter of course. This not only includes adapting your website – a precise description of what you company offers – to your profiles on Xing, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, etc., but also providing an exact description of your target group to initiate activity in relevant, related networks.

How can I cope with a crisis?

In general, a crisis is perceived as something negative. Some people, and companies, too, handle crises well, opening themselves to the possibility of transformation a crisis offers and emerging stronger than ever. Others are ruined, losing their very existence. An old aphorism teaches: Ignore the chances a crisis offers – it becomes a threat. Ignore the fears a crisis triggers – it becomes an opportunity. In resilience research, the ability to see the opportunity a crisis aff ords is called a positive appraisal.

Why does my comeback always come too late?

Nearly everyone can tell of a situation, professional or private, that left us speechless. Who wouldn’t want a witty, lickety-split reaction at the tip of the tongue? Unfortunately, this doesn’t always happen and you often curse your eloquence for deserting you when you need it most. Like when your boss criticizes you unfairly and you, once again, had no pointed comeback. In hindsight, sitting at your desk brooding, you’re brilliant.

Why isn’t Distribution selling?

Many companies fail to separate Distribution and Sales, unaware that each calls for different capabilities, skill sets and character. . It’s comparable to claiming two colleagues – one from Product Development, the other in Maintenance – could easily trade positions since both have technical expertise. The two positions operate with completely different attributes and personalities.

What are you afraid of?

You can be afraid of many things – of losing your job, your partner or your home. You can be afraid of burglars, of dark cellars, of spiders (in dark cellars!), of natural disasters or of diseases. A relatively new fear is the range fear: the fear of getting stuck in the middle of nowhere because your e-car’s battery runs out of juice. Apparently, the Germans have their own special brand of cultural fear that has been anglicized as German Angst.

What is the secret to good communication?

Most of us covered the subject Communication in school, so when we come with Friedemann Schulz von Thun’s 4 Ear Model at training sessions or seminars, you can be sure some will roll their eyes and sigh, believing they already know more than enough about communication.

Why are our meetings so ineffective?

It is highly demotivating to take part in a meeting in which you have nothing you can productively contribute. Especially when work is piling up on your desk and all you can think of is all you could be doing instead of sitting around waiting for the meeting to end. It’s a vicious circle, triggering the same impatience or frustration when the next meeting is scheduled.

8th Think-Tank: Off the beaten path

On February 23, 2023, we opened our doors to our 8th consecutive Think-Tank: Leader in Action. Completely online in 2021, hybrid in 2022, this year’s Think Tank picked up where we left off three years ago – in our Paderborn offices. The theme? Off the beaten path. Trail-blazing!

What hinders good works council relations?

The first thing that might pop into mind as you read this question is the seemingly inherent dissonance between company leadership and the works council. After all, both parties pursue very different interests. And we must admit, throughout our over 20 years of traveling, working with countless businesses on nearly every sector and of every possible size, we have seen more battle lines than peaceful unity.

Are we really ready for agile leadership?

Trends are not exclusive to the fashion world, there’s plenty of them in the trainer and consulting business. […] Today, it’s agile leadership that’s hot. Everything either is, is becoming or always was agile. Everyone’s talking about it – with us, too – and some believe agile is the cure-all for every possible problem, without really knowing what it is. But if agility is more than a fad that’s not going to go away, than we should find out exactly what’s behind the concept.

Why is it still so difficult to have both children and a career?

These days, working women who chose to have children are confronted with pressure on all sides. To begin with, she is adapting to her new role as mother which incredibly beautiful and incredibly demanding. She wants to do everything just right, to be a perfect mother. But when is the right time to return to work?

What does conflict really cost me?

Should leaders push the panic button the moment they hear of a conflict in their team or workforce? Of course not. There’s nothing unusual about conflicts amongst human beings. Whether in your private or professional life, all human interaction is shaped by consent and dissent. When two people come together a conflict can (and will) arise.

What’s the point of coaching?

In the States, this form of coaching entered the business world during the 1970s. Germany picked up the trend around the mid-80s. Since then, especially since the turn of the century, you can be coached in practically every aspect of your life.

What is the crux of negotiations?

Just as it does today, in our professional dealings: We are more willing to say yes to or collaborate with someone who has done us a favor in the past. The law of reciprocity is deeply anchored in most human relationships and children apply it intuitively. We see it this way: Life is give and take – in precisely that order. Our clients are not our payroll, they are people we can serve. We’ll explore this concept more in Sales and Marketing, but the fact remains that small and large favors rendered in the past often facilitate business negotiations. […]

Culture of Error

This culture of errors is especially widespread in Germany. An adeptly accomplished task is taken for granted as no big deal, while mistakes are mountains made of mole hills and discussed, deliberated and analyzed to a pulp.

Participation is motivating

To enhance your employees’ willingness to achieve, or to maintain their high-performance level, they should have as comprehensive an idea as possible of what drives you, their leader. At the beginning of this book we described the significance of a leader’s vision and how she should share this spirit with her team, inspiring them to discover their own motivating force.

Breaks for more Productivity

Recent scientific studies prove that mental acuity is just as dependent on physical exercise as it is on mind jogging. Daily office work offers a goodly number of easyto- execute options promoting staffers’ well-being within a few minutes. Our A.P.F.E.L. Strategy shows you specific invigorating and relaxing exercises at the desk, as well as guidance in installing mini-activities “on the side.”

The Effect of Feedbacks

It is a leader’s duty to foster his employees’ continued development, which can just as well take place within a given position. Most people find it gratifying and highly motivating when they see their own productivity improve, fulfilling their assigned tasks even better than before. An annual talk is not nearly enough interaction to gain this end. Conversations on development must be regular items on the agenda, all year round.

Breaking new ground at 7th Think-Tank: Leader in Action

On February 10, 2022, we once again gathered for our annual Think-Tank. The 7th! While last year we filled our think-tanks at a completely online thought-charging event, this year, for the first time, we created a hybrid platform. Thus, we welcomed our guests both onsite and online, enabling everyone to lend their eyes and ears to stimulating talks and discussions.

What is often said

Many supervisors may be in the right position, but does that make them the right function? The terms leader and manager are often used interchangeably, although there is a big difference.

Why engaged employees matter

What is the stuff of executive dreams? Business leaders dream of hard-hitting teams, of powerful teams, of dedicated employees. In today’s working world, teams are often fragmented. Team members are scattered over the five continents, throughout various countries, embodying various cultures, speaking various languages. This is the reality of global leadership.

Why we often postpone our happiness

Happiness is also attitude-business. It is a matter of accepting the status quo. The British say, “Love it, change it or leave it.” If a situation cannot be changed or evaded, then it should be accepted. Mourning the past will get her nowhere. Many people focus their attention on the future. This is basically a good thing, but also entails putting off happiness, treating it as a reward – reaped sometime in the future – for deeds well done.

Why so few leaders have the stuff of champions

A few days ago in Wembley Stadium, Italy confronted England for the European Championship title. A veritable soccer suspense story! At halftime, England led 1:0 and after the second half the two teams were tied 1:1. Ditto after overtime. And then the penalty shootout. Italy wins by one point. Italy is European Champion. But why did this team become European champion? Why could other teams have been? And why do many leaders lack the luster to become European Champion in their own arena?

Think-Tank 2021: Unusual, and as always

Perhaps not in our lovely Paderborn office, yet all the same, this year we once again collectively think tanked. On April 15th, our 6th Think Tank: Leaders in Action was an entirely digital event. Undeterred, over 30 guests answered the call to draw inspiration from our three speakers.  

A “P“ is missing … or why real sustainability is so difficult

When we talk about leadership responsibility, we are addressing a vital aspect of sustainability. This means present tense needs should be satisfied without compromising the future generation’s ability to meet their needs as well. According to the United Nations Commission on Environment and Development, it is important that the three dimensions of sustainability – social justice, environmental protection and economic efficiency – are given equal attention.

Future Visions

Seine unbedingte Hingabe für die von ihm ausgeführte Tätigkeit gibt der Leader an sein Umfeld weiter. Dadurch gelingt es ihm auch, ein Bild der Zukunft zu zeichnen – eine unverzichtbare Eigenschaft, wenn es um Employee Engagement geht. Natürlich haben auch Manager Visionen, doch sie unterscheiden sich von denen des Leaders in einem entscheidenden Punkt: Die Visionen des Managers sind rationaler Art und deshalb vielleicht auch eher als Ziele zu bezeichnen, während der Leader ein klares Bild vor Augen hat.

When no one’s there to receive Christmas mail

As is our custom each year, at the beginning of January we sent all our clients, suppliers and friends digital New Year’s greetings with a short video reviewing the past year as well as offering a glimpse of our plans for 2020. As we always do. We hadn’t a clue that two months later nothing would be “as we always do.” Still, there are a couple of things that haven’t changed at all – our principles and our confidence and drive to shape 2020, nonetheless. But more about that in January.

The Coming Generations

This study probes into employee expectations the younger Generations Y and Z have on their employer and their supervisors. Furthermore, the study compiles the extent to which employees perceive their expectations as fulfilled at their workplace as well as the extent to which their leaders are aware of and willing to fulfill them. Six primary factors are investigated, and improvement suggestions derived by juxtaposing expectations, employees’ perceived reality and leaders’ perspectives.

Works council vs. Executive board? Mutual understanding is the only path to take!

Maybe it’s the inherent differences. Maybe it’s just coincidence. In our 20 years of travel, stopping at many companies on the most varied sectors, we have seen far more uncompromising battle lines drawn between works councils and executive boards than harmonious give and take. So? You may say. That’s normal, their interests are diametrically opposed! Well, yes, maybe there where the gauntlet has been thrown down. And no, not at all, when we join forces to shape the future.

20 years of Liscia Consulting

It’s been 20 years now since Liscia Consulting opened its doors for the first time. 20 years since the turn of the millennium. In the year 2000, Michael Schuhmacher won the world championship, FC Bayern München became German champion (again) and Nokia’s 3310 – the indestructible cellphone with an incredibly long-life battery – went on the market. Much has happened over the past 20 years, reason enough for us review our bit of history.

Busy bees, blissful beekeepers

As the title implies, it’s about one of the most important pollinators on the planet. Einstein allegedly claimed that without them, humanity would have but four years to live. Frequently cited, the quote has never been verified – neither the dramatic results on an Earth without bees, nor that Einstein actually foretold it so. Nonetheless, the pollination power of the honeybee is undisputed.

Betwixt and between – the perfect place to be

Commonly carrying a negative connotation, the adage betwixt and between depicts an inability or hesitation to make a decision, or to be caught between two opposing forces. Neither condition is welcome since they force us out of our comfort zone. You could say Sandra Hunke’s comfort zone is precisely betwixt and between. And she doesn’t just sit there. She is extraordinarily active and extraordinarily successful. In her own words, “Success is not a matter of luck!” At our 5th Think Tank on February 6th, Sandra Hunke’s presentation was enthusiastically received by our guests. Reason enough for us to print her talk here in our blog. Enjoy!

A Day in the Life

Four months ago, at the beginning of January to be precise, we came together for our annual new year’s workshop to plan 2020. We discussed, among other things, upcoming projects and the travel agenda these projects entail. We are a small company of four consultants who travel throughout Europe and a one-woman support staff holding the fort. As a rule, the four of us depart to our various clients during the course of a given Monday …

Leaders in Action Celebrate Think Tank No 5

It’s February 6, 2020, time to dive into Think Tank No 5! A Liscia Consulting GbR brainchild, the Think Tank came to life in 2015. An annual event in Paderborn, Germany, Liscia’s Think Tank offers three stimulating presentations and the opportunity for lively networking. And this year, too, more than 30 invited guests followed the Think Tank call.

Getting a handle on negotiating

What matters most when you’re negotiating an agreement? If you think about it, we spend a good deal of time negotiating our way through each day. How can we pave the way to satisfying negotiations? Does negotiating require talent? And what exactly is a win-win strategy?

Leading employees to good (mental) health

Nowadays, it’s no secret that good health among your employees plays an essential role in the business theater. And you, as their leader, are the star of the show when it comes to your employees’ good health and well-being. This goes beyond providing healthy foods and rest periods, it also presupposes that you supply plenty of drinking water and ensure that break times are upheld. These things you do as a matter of course. There are, however, other aspects that go far to establishing and safeguarding your employees’ health.

The Helpful Hybrid

A prevailing supplement to business consulting since the early 1980s, hybrid coaching has yet to establish itself in consulting and training practices. Although the term hybrid coaching turns up in nearly every description of advisory offers, its interpretation is primarily twofold. Some enterprises and associations define hybrid coaching as a conglomerate of various coaching and advisory approaches, while others interpret the term as a combination of face-to-face, telephone and video coaching. The latter definition merely supplements traditional coaching with virtual media.

Conflict – Blessing or Curse?

At which point does a discussion become a conflict? Our very existence is characterized by human interaction, both private and professional. And one aspect of human interaction is conflict. When conflicts arise among team members at work, how should you, as their leader, respond?

The wild mustangs of California – what they teach us

You live, and you learn – There’s not a soul on the planet who hasn’t heard or said this adage at least once. And it’s true, of course. Thus, earlier this summer, our colleague Franziska spent three weeks in Golden State California to intensify her horse-assisted coaching knowledge and practices. Here, she shares with us a short summation of her experiences, insights and purpose.

Is there a recipe for happiness?

What is that – Happiness? How can I get my piece of the pie? Can I increase or influence my personal happiness? Why is it that some people are never really happy? For many of us, happiness is our number one priority. It encompasses a fulfilling job, perhaps a family, a meaningful partnership and the feeling that we are needed. Often, the things we do, the decisions we make are motivated by our wish to be happy.

A tribute to the working mom – meeting the challenge of children and career

May 12, 2019 – Mother’s Day in Germany. A day we are meant to honor our mothers. A concept that, like so many others, has evolved into a consumerist occasion. The modern Mother’s Day was first celebrated on May 9, 1908 in the U.S.A., founded by Anna Jarvis to commemorate her mother’s and all mothers’ accomplishments as well as to promote women’s rights. Although celebrated in all states, it wasn’t until 1914 that President Wilson declared it an official national holiday. Today, the core message seems to have been lost in the commercial hullabaloo intent on increasing flower, greeting card and perfume sales. And our moms? How do we acknowledge their daily achievements? What are these actually? And, especially, what about our working moms?

Position poker? Placing your company’s managers and leaders in the optimal position.

Are your company’s management and leadership positions held by those best equipped to do the job? Productively allocating leadership positions is certainly not one of the easiest tasks you face, although the most suitable employee in the right position can be a boon to your profits and productivity. But how to go about finding the best person?

Leader and employee coach? – Coaching toolbox for leaders

If you have ever looked into topics concerning leadership and coaching, you have most likely encountered titles such as A Leader as Coach in trade journals or in the pages of training providers. But does it really make sense for leaders to become coaches for their employees? Or is every leader automatically a coach? Probing into this question requires expanding on the issue somewhat. We must first view human personality and coaching in general before circling back to the coaching-leadership combination.

The heart of the matter on Valentine’s Day – design, bees and transitional processes at Liscia Consulting’s 4th Think Tank: Leaders in action

On February 14th, the day of love, over 40 executives travelled from all over Germany to gather for the fourth time at Liscia Consulting GbR in Paderborn. It’s Think Tank Time! In addition to flowers and chocolate – after all, it is Valentine’s Day – Liscia’s guests were treated to three informative talks, followed by lively Q&A, as well as a chance for personal and professional networking. In addition to new impetus for daily business, known acquaintances were refreshed and new contacts established.

Liscia Consulting launches the G.P.S.-Academy!

Not a moment too soon, the Paderborn consultancy opens the doors of the G.P.S.-Academy – Growing Personality & Skills today. What’s it all about? “Nothing new, really,” Marcello Liscia says. “We have always offered each of our clients an individual, open seminar program, exclusively adapted to their companies.” And precisely this exclusive, personal treatment is now being expanded.

On the Turnpike of Transition

We are often more willing to accept changes in our private lives than we are when change comes to our professional environment. Businesses looking to alter, improve or evolve their practices are more often confronted with employee resistance than with employee enthusiasm. Yet, if you want your business to keep up in the race, you must be perpetually prepared to initiate and successfully implement change.

Christmas – Cramps or carols?

What’s your first thought when you think of Christmas? Stress, frenzy and chaos or contemplation, harmony and benevolence? Often, the former has the upper hand. For many, the days preceding Christmas are filled with unyielding stress, racing from one business or social engagement to the next and heaving a heavy sigh of relief when the last holiday has been celebrated – now we can relax until New Year’s!

Successful teams

Leaders often succumb to the erroneous belief that a team’s success lies solely with its members’ skills and competence. Far too often they brush aside personality traits, giving little or no credence to the significance of personal preferences and values. Yet, an employee’s attitude decides how smoothly (and successfully) he or she merges into the team – Hire attitude and train skills!

Strike five, they’re out! Five D.R.E.A.M. of LEADERS workbooks are now available!

Having successfully published their first book D.R.E.A.M. of LEADERS. Leadership is not an Illusion addressing leadership development, authors Gianni, Jan and Marcello Liscia have generated five advanced-learning workbooks. Readers will feel at home with the inimitable Liscia content and style as they delve further into the D.R.E.A.M. Formula. Each workbook is dedicated to one aspect of the D.R.E.A.M. Formula anagram:

What does Coaching really mean?

Coaching is a common term in the working world and can be heard on every corner. But what precisely is coaching? Conceptually, coaching is a structured, one-on-one dialogue intended to awaken the coachee’s inner reflection during a transitional process, opening the gateways to options and alternatives. So what does that mean concretely?

“Let’s Talk Business”, National Association of Mid-Sized Businesses (BVMW)

On Tuesday evening, September 18, 2018, 15 BVMW members came together in Let’s Talk Business to discuss generational change and succession, a unique transitional process. The event was hosted by Liscia Consulting GbR of Paderborn, Germany.

Be palpably present at your presentations!

There you are at a presentation, hiding behind your slides, camouflaged with your content or literally tucked away in a corner of the room. You are passing up the chance to leave your audience with a strong impression, which in turn drains your message of its power. Many presentations hold a golden opportunity to pitch yourself, to strengthen your current position in the company or even to convey your readiness for the next rung up the ladder.

Communication 4.0

When typing the word communication in the Google search box, the first hits you come up with are ‘What is communication’; ‘How does communication work’; ‘Communication models’, and ‘Do-it-yourself communication’. So obviously, these days, our kids are breast-fed on communication models such as those from Schulz von Thun or Watzlawick.

Of homeland and house-building: What does leadership mean exactly?

The word leadership is a commonly accepted and intellectually understood term. It does not need any further definition. Or does it? Do we use the word too casually, without understanding is true meaning?

Spring 2018, and Liscia Consulting recieves two awards straight away

Whoever would have thought? 2018 is but a few months old and Liscia Consulting can already pride themselves on two awards. The Liscia Consulting GbR creating LEADERS product D.R.E.A.M. Score® not only convinced the Huber Verlag für neue Medien/Huber Publishing for New Media GmbH, but also the Initiative Mittelstand/Mid-Tier Initiative.

Learning from horses – Leadership training with a horse as coach

Your coach is a horse and you, the leader, are on your way to self-awareness. Horse-assisted coaching is a hands-on learning experience, directly reflecting your leadership competence and leadership style.

3. Think-Tank: Leader in Action 2018

Liscia Consulting hosted their 3rd Think Tank Leaders in Action. Many clients followed the call! “Attention leaders, it’s Think Tank time!” The call went out in 2018, when Liscia Consulting GbR invited People Work people from all over Germany to the third event in the series. Following an 18-month break, the 3rd Think Tank Leaders in Action offered an excellent program in the consultancy’s home offices in Paderborn.


We are convinced that many enterprises are not fully tapping into their, theoretically accessible, productivity potential because their leadership positions are held by the wrong people. For example, a staffer excelling in process optimization and systems maintenance is not automatically a good leader. Working with people calls for altogether different strengths and values. An economically successful business, striving to leave their competitors in the dust, needs managers and leaders – each in the proper proposition. The manager builds the house, the leader creates a professional homeland. An outstanding company drawing fully on its potential needs both the mason who can put up perfectly aligned walls as well as the interior architect designing a comfortable living space.

Liscia Consulting published their first book

“D.R.E.A.M. of LEADERS. Leadership is not an Illusion.” This provocative title addresses leader development. Drawing on their 17 years of experience, authors Gianni, Jan und Marcello Liscia have brought forth vivid, realistic words, describing how passionate people work can transform leaders into D.R.E.A.M. Leaders. Their D.R.E.A.M. Formula® illustrates how it works:

Liscia Consulting is awarded INDUSTRIEPREIS 2017

It’s 2017, and once more the Huber Verlag für Neue Medien (Huber Publications for New Media) GmbH acknowledges exceptionally progressive industry products that make significant economic, social, technological and environmental contributions. Liscia Consulting GbR creatingLEADERS, with their product, story changing® Consultant, impressed the expert jury of industry elite, professors and trade journalists, taking home the BEST OF 2017 award.

I know it, when i see it!

Discovering the truth via micro expressions. Emotions make our lives worth living. And the quality of emotions determines our life quality. Every relationship that we enter is characterized by emotions. Those can be positive and cause true happy moments by releasing endorphins. Or they are negative and stress hormones flow through our body and mind. Every action that we perform is eventually based on an emotion, as well as every decision that we take. Even rational and logical decisions give us a good feeling: a feeling of safety and the positive feeling that we made the right choice.

Yearly DVCT “Coach & Trainer Award” goes to Liscia Consulting GbR

On November 19, 2016 Liscia Consulting received the annual award given by the Deutscher Verband für Coaching and Training e.V. (DVCT) in Hamburg. Their concept „story changing®“ received the award after a one hour live presentation against two other finalists. Not only the five member jury, all business representatives, was eligible to vote but also the professional audience present for the final presentation.

2. Think-Tank – Leader in Action – Quite a Success!

On October 20, 2016 decision makers from Germany and Europe came together for “think tanking” in Paderborn. On Thursday at Liscia Consulting headquarters in Paderborn there was a chummy atmosphere because of the 2. Think-Tank – Leader in Action. The participating managers from international companies were looking forward to a day full of informative lectures, question and answer rounds and networking with colleagues from various industries.

Leader in action

Liscia Consulting extends an invitation to the 2nd Think-Tank in Paderborn. What challenges daily await managers from industry and business? What hurdles have to be taken? To answer these questions some 75 company directors and decision makers from international companies have been invited to the 2nd Think-Tank in Paderborn. Aligning company processes and strategies, creating growth, using leadership to reach goals – these are the daily challenges managers see themselves confronted with.

Gianni Liscia at the “Heilbronn Hospitality Symposium”

On October 13, 2016 Gianni Liscia is giving his speech „How Digitalization Is Changing the Working World” at the “Heilbronn Hospitality Symposium”

Marcello Liscia with the keynote “A.P.F.E.L-Strategie®” at MEiM 2016!

Visit Marcello Liscia on November 30, 2016 at the MeIM 2016 in Paderborn and listen to his keynote speech “BGM: Management’s Responsibility for Health with the A.P.F.E.L-Strategie®”

A System for the System

Liscia Consulting’s invitation to their “15th Impulstag” in Paderborn. Want can we expect in 2016 and 2017? In order to find the answer, Liscia Consulting is inviting businesses to come to its “15th Impulstag -– A System for the System – Strategic Personnel Development in the Food Service and Hotel Industries” on August 18, 2016. Up to 75 general managers and decision makers from the system catering and hotel industries have been invited.

Liscia Consulting congratulates Johnson Controls

Johnson Controls receives the quality seal in the category “Innovationpreis” at the Deutsche Bildungspreis 2016. Congratulations, Johnson Controls! The entire team at Liscia Consulting GbR congratulates their long-time customer for this award! For years now the Deutsche Bildungspreis is awarded to companies and institutions that are active in further education and talent management and encourage their employees in an exemplary manner.

Tina Vogel newest member at Liscia Consulting GbR

A former Enchlada-Gruppe employee has joined the team at Liscia Consulting GbR- creatingLEADERS. Helping companies to advance and making leaders not just developing them – that is the credo of Liscia Consulting GbR located in Paderborn. Tina Vogel has found her calling there and will be joining the team of consultants at Liscia on Jan. 1, 2016. That is how a customer becomes a colleague and in future will contribute considerably to making Leading Managers out of managers.

Liscia Consulting celebrates its 15th anniversary

On July 2nd, 2015 Liscia Consulting GbR-creatingLEADERS celebrated its 15th anniversary with about 80 guests. It was a day that could not have been more perfect for a celebration of this kind – the 15th year of Liscia – today the company is called Liscia Consulting GbR – creating LEADERS, earlier known as Team Liscia. On July 2nd the team around Gianni Liscia, Marcello Liscia and Jan Liscia celebrated together with clients and other guests what began very small 15 years ago and has developed into a consulting firm that has adopted the credo “We make leaders”.

Liscia Consulting GbR now also H.A.P.-certified

The managers of Liscia Consulting are now certified H.A.P.-specialists thus expanding their know-how in dealing with complex and turbulent situations in companies. For example – a project or the large-lot production has been delayed, new demands are made or employees have been removed from a project – managers know about these and similar problems which have to be solved in one way or another. Every project is full of dynamics like this. The expectations on management are constantly rising. Training as a H.A.P.-practitioner – which stands for highly adaptive projects – provides the valuable know-how to deal competently with the dynamics in projects and with the unforeseen. Marcello, Jan and Gianni Liscia have acquired this certificate.

Team Liscia now trading under Liscia Consulting

The driving forces behind Team Liscia have kept their promise “We will surprise you in 2015” and have changed their name to Liscia Consulting GbR. “We have planned several surprises for this year.”, disclosed Gianni Liscia, one of Team Liscia’s three managing partners, which from March 1st, 2015 on is no longer called Team Liscia but Liscia Consulting. “This new development reflects the current status of our company and makes our position on the market much more evident.”

IAA Commercial Vehicles presents the world’s first! Team Liscia was there!

The leading fair for mobility, transport and logistics, IAA Nutzfahrzeuge, opened its doors on September 25th, 2014 and is showing 322 world firsts. Team Liscia, experts for change processes was present on September 28th with its own world premiere. Gianni Liscia, one of Team Liscia’s two founders, presented his ideas about the newest brand new topic to an interested audience on the stage Job and Career. His presentation “Employee Engagement – the WOW-factor for sustainable company success” illustrated the picture of an executive under the aspect of leadership within 45 minutes using humor but straight language that provided the listeners with a lot to think about. The speaker emphasized the following, “Here in Germany,” said Gianni Liscia, “we use too many Americanisms without thinking about what they actually mean. There is quite a difference between management and leadership.

Wolf trifft Jaeger

Liscia enthused with simple tips and sustainable strategies. “Wolff trifft Jaeger, a Hamburg agency for creative communication consulting, drew attention to its third annual information evening ‘Spring in Your Head’. Under the title ‘Home Away from Home, My Work Place’, decision makers from all branches of industry met to hear exciting guest speeches and trends from Live-Communications and Marketing. Topics on this evening were among others leadership cultures, health at work as well as WtJ-product Beat Kantine.

The experts for work with 9 levels tool

Consulting firms today are challenged in a number of ways. They must analyze problems, check the status quo, present possible solutions and pull everyone into the same boot when it is time to put everything together. Lucky are those who have the right tools that help and can be applied in varied situations of change. That is what Gianni and Marcello Liscia of Team Liscia – the strategy experts for process change in Paderborn – thought so they proceeded to attain their accreditation as 9 levels consultants from the 9 Levels’ founder and chief executive Rainer Krumm.

A.P.F.E.L.-Strategie® in “wirtschaft+weiterbildung” april 2012

The magazine “wirtschaft+weiterbildung” allowed 4 pages to present A.P.F.E.L.-Strategie® as a part of their special on burn-out. “wirtschaft+weiterbldung” is one of the leading magazines on leadership, personnel development and E-Learning. Its main readers are trainers and coaches but above all managers and human resource departments. The edition April 2012 focused on health and the prevention of burn-out.