Not a moment too soon, the Paderborn consultancy opens the doors of the G.P.S.-Academy – Growing Personality & Skills today. What’s it all about? “Nothing new, really,” Marcello Liscia says. “We have always offered each of our clients an individual, open seminar program, exclusively adapted to their companies.” And precisely this exclusive, personal treatment is now being expanded. “We were truly surprised when two clients, independent of one another, approached us, suggesting we open the academy for all of our clients, current and future,” Gianni Liscia remarked. At the Liscia Consulting G.P.S.-Academy, clients look forward to stepping out of their comfort zone to view a panorama of options yet undiscovered. Currently, Liscia Consulting’s clients come from incredibly diverse fields. “Automobile industry suppliers, tool manufacturers, system gastronomy, IT are just a few of the sectors our clients call home,” Jan Liscia tells us, “spread out over the entire European continent.”
The G.P.S.-Academy aims to create a curriculum for people interested in moving ahead both personally and professionally. Liscia Consulting promises their patrons, “With us, you will sit, train, discuss and laugh together with people working on an international level, or intending to do so. Some of our participants travel across Europe to be here.” In addition, the G.P.S.-Academy offers new clients a chance to get to know the Liscia Consulting team – reputedly emotional, rational and unsettling.
“We have been successfully working with Liscia’s team since 2003,” Torsten Petersen, Enchilada Corporation CEO, relates. “What makes Liscia stand out among other consultancies is their unique ability to answer to the individual needs of their clients; their direct approach without beating about the bush and the simple fact that their training, coaching and on-going supervision brings our company to the fore.”
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