Tag: think-tank

8th Think-Tank: Off the beaten path
On February 23, 2023, we opened our doors to our 8th consecutive Think-Tank: Leader in Action. Completely online in 2021, hybrid in 2022, this year’s Think Tank picked up where we left off three years ago – in our Paderborn offices. The theme? Off the beaten path....
Betwixt and between – the perfect place to be
Commonly carrying a negative connotation, the adage betwixt and between depicts an inability or hesitation to make a decision, or to be caught between two opposing forces. Neither condition is welcome since they force us out of our comfort zone. You could say Sandra...
Leaders in Action Celebrate Think Tank No 5
It’s February 6, 2020, time to dive into Think Tank No. 5! A Liscia Consulting GbR brainchild, the Think Tank came to life in 2015. An annual event in Paderborn, Germany, Liscia’s Think Tank offers three stimulating presentations and the opportunity for lively...