More references
“Professional, experienced team, with good listening and understanding skills. On top of these skills Liscia team used a flexible approach which finally resulted in fresh, effecitve ideas and tools to improve my leadership skills. Thanks for that!”
Peter Dallos
Plant Manager
Johnson Controls Kecskemet JIT Plant
“Competent coaching relying on a basis of trust. For anyone who is willing to better himself, coaching with impulse.”
Stephan Reichardt
Executive Platform Director
Johnson Controls Automotive
“Team Liscia has provided our company with various workshops on various topics and with different goals for the last two years. The main topics were changing processes, leadership training and individual coaching. I can summarize employee feedback and my own impression as follows: Team Liscia very quickly and correctly grasps the situations and challenges. Participants are ‘taken on the hand’ and integrated in terms they can understand. The format and content of these sessions are well-structured, the trainer is confident and convincing. We are looking forward to working with Team Liscia again.”
Alfons Krauthausen
Managing Director
Regenersis Germany
“(…) thank you very much for a great train the trainer seminar. It was a definite eye opener and I loved the interactive bit of the training. I would suggest this course to anyone who deals with clients on a face to face basis.”
Tiaan Pienaar
Sales Manager
Hansgrohe South Africa Pty Ltd
“I’ve received impulses for successful management changes which I can use in daily practice.”
Heike Findeis
Chief Product Officer
Lycos Europe GmbH
Michael Athens
Managing Director
Westfalie Spielgeräte GmbH
“It was always an opportunity to exchange ideas, especially when one has such a good teachers. In this regard, many, many thanks. I learned a lot from you.”
Valentina Büssow
Nursing Management House Amalia
Gerontopsychiatrisches Pflegeheim
“Thanks for the new insights during the last two days, the new impetus to continue where I had actually started and then given up (…)”
Rüdiger Harlfinger
Enchilada Leipzig GmbH
“Processes of change are not always easy but Team Liscia knows how to make them more simple.”
Dr. Uwe Allmann
Managing director
AquaMagis Plettenberg GmbH und Stadtwerke Plettenberg GmbH
“The trainer’s competence plus his style in conveying contents and knowledge are unbeatable.”
Marc große Austing
Managing Director
große Austing Computer GmbH
“Organizing and moderating change processes – Team Liscia can be recommended for this – thinking outside the box, not swimming along in the mainstream, this is what distinguishes Team Liscia.”
Franz-Friedrich Schröter
BVMW Kreisgeschäftsführer
“Refreshing and innovative ideas along with Team Liscia’s extreme competence are a strong contrast to today’s standard of consulting.”
Peter Schumpp-Kappler
Head of Sales and Service
Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH
“An interesting and rousing speech which showed our members in a completely transparent and commanding way, the necessity of winning new customers.”
Franz Schwarzinger
Customer Care System-Partners
“Team Liscia impressed me personally with their wonderful human approach along with the professional expertise and passion with what they actually DO!
Jennifer Zacher
“Team Liscia knows what they are talking about and that builds up trust.”
Jörg Brune
Member of the Executive Board
WKS Textilveredlungs GmbH
“Little changes, great results – I found it amazing how little things can bring about change and how blinded by routine one has become.”
Nico Moramarco
Personnel officer
G DATA Software AG