Leadership is more.
27 Questions we, too, can answer
Why, what for, how come? Who never asks, stays dumb! Every Sesame Street viewer knows that. And what’s good for children can only benefit grownups. Which is why we have written down in this book our answers to the 27 most frequently asked questions put to us by leaders. Questions we have gleaned from our 20+ years of consulting
activities throughout Europe.
Leadership goes far beyond developing and implementing a strategy; is much more than learning models, instruments or techniques for leading your people. Truly remarkable, professional leadership encompasses a broad spectrum of subject matter – from distribution and sales to communication and education 4.0.
But what do air pumps and a well-trained gluteus maximus have to do with quality leadership? And just how can you save the day? This book holds the answers to your questions!
The book is available here on amazon.com

ISBN-Nr.: 978-3-7568-8525-1