Developing a concept as unprecedented as your business

Your strategy is clear – now the question is: What is the ideal concept to see your strategy through? Working in tandem, this is precisely what we create during a consultation or workshop. Developing a concept is preceded by an analysis of the status quo. One way we achieve this is by assembling the D.R.E.A.M.-Score® parameters.

D.R.E.A.M-Score® is an online analysis and comparison instrument for measuring the quality of your company’s leaders, while giving insight into leadership abilities. The instrument is based on the D.R.E.A.M. Formula (D.R.E.A.M. Formel®):

D – dedication:
Wholehearted commitment to mission, 24 hours a day

R – responsibility:
Assuming full responsibility for your decisions, for your staff and for yourself

E – education:
Ensuring you and your staff evolve

A – attitude:
Living and communicating your personal mindset (philosophy) and values

M – motivation:
Motivation: Commitment as the foundation of all deeds

The D.R.E.A.M.-Score® lets you know the extent to which the above formula is observed. It allows managers to measure their leadership qualities via self-assessment, which can be contrasted with an external assessment from direct subordinates, colleagues and supervisors. The resulting parameters can apply to a specific person (Personal D.R.E.A.M.-Score®), or a general assessment of the leadership qualities in your organization (Organizational D.R.E.A.M.-Score®).

We recommend taking our first step together by measuring your company’s organizational D.R.E.A.M.-Score®. By the way, should you decide not to work with us, measuring your company’s D.R.E.A.M.-Score® is our investment in making business contacts business friends, and comes at no cost to you.

Now back to our first shared concept development event. The strategy we mutually generate defines the DESIRED condition regarding the role of a leader, while the D.R.E.A.M.-Score® reflects how this role IS CURRENTLY understood. With this gap analysis in hand, we delve into conception. Here, ideas are taken up and applied, processes are developed and there’s a world of space for exchanging thoughts and ideas.

Our concepts are noted for their amalgamated measures. One such measure is internal training sessions. And by that we don’t mean in-house seminars, we mean that you yourself train your employees. Who, other than you, is better equipped to convey, for example, your company’s coherencies; the meshwork of your systems or your core values?

The more you do the training yourself, the more sustaining the results. Naturally, as integral a part of the process as drafting projects, the Liscia Consulting team will provide training, individual coaching and/or moderation. The latter serves the practical application of knowledge gained. We are convinced that true learning must come from three various sources:

Learning input source number 1:
Learning and reflecting in training or coaching sessions or workshops. This accounts for 20%.

Learning input source number 2:
Learning from others, i.e. colleagues, mentors or direct superiors. This accounts for another 20% of educational input.

Learning input source number 3:
Learning by doing. Reading construction books or discussing types of wood has yet to produce a master carpenter. At some point, you have to hit the nail on the head. And this makes up 60% of your education.

With regular application guidance, we ensure learning sustainability, using blended learning approaches, which combine in-person events and digital media. These can be virtual coaching sessions and/or the use of our Practice Platform.

The Practice Platform is intended to allow a direct, practical application of learning input, embedding a durable change in leaders’ behavior.

In preparation for a training program and during the subsequent execution of measures, a leader – or leader-to-be – receives, for example, an impetus-email on her smartphone, tablet or PC every Friday. The impetus can be a video, a concrete learning transfer task, a quote, a link to an article requiring discussion participation with other leaders and participants, and much more.

During the entire program, participants are accompanied by Practice, safeguarding your company’s investment with an enduring impact of applied measures. accompanies participants. The integrated Practice Platform chatroom makes it easy for group members to exchange ideas, comments and experiences throughout the program.

We do not take on prefab concepts, nor do we have anything off the rack. Why’s that? Because a perfect-fit concept for you must be tailor-made.

Based on what you have, we create the basis of what you need. “Finally,” we often hear when we describe our work, “someone whose mind is on our matters!” Yes, we’d be happy to put our minds to your matters.

If you are searching for a congenial concept, we make sure you find one.